#Checking for similar genes in both data sets #Required libraries library(MASS) library(readr) library(dplyr) Check2Match <- function(){ numrows <- "How many rows of clinical data are their in the each data set?: " %>% readline(prompt = .) %>% strsplit(.,split = ",") %>% .[[1]] %>% as.integer(.) i <- 1 ANDIS <- select.list(choices = list.files(),multiple = TRUE, title = "Choose the file/files you want to analyze:") for(i in 1:length(numrows)){ if( i == 1){ edfile <- ANDIS[i] ed <- edfile %>% read_delim(.,delim = "\t") ednocd <- ed[-(1:numrows[1]),] #Second file brought in eddfile <- ANDIS[i + 1] edd <- eddfile %>% read_delim(.,delim = "\t") eddnocd <- edd[-(1:numrows[2]),] ##Fully matched both data sets eddy <- inner_join(ednocd,eddnocd) #Matches meds <- eddy[,1] } if(i > 1 && i + 1 < length(numrows)){ eddfile <- ANDIS[i + 1] edd <- eddfile %>% read_delim(.,delim = "\t") eddnocd <- edd[-(1:numrows[i + 1]),] ##Fully matched both data sets eddy <- inner_join(meds,eddnocd) meds <- eddy[,1] } i <- i + 1 } meds for(j in 1:length(numrows)){ edfile <- ANDIS[j] ed <- edfile %>% read_delim(.,delim = "\t") ednocd <- ed[-(1:numrows[j]),] #use meds to match eddy <- inner_join(meds,ednocd) Finedm <- rbind(ed[1:numrows[j],],eddy) nam_fil_ed <- strsplit(edfile,"[\\|/]") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[length(.)] %>% gsub("\\D","",.) %>% c("GSE",.,"matched.txt") %>% paste(collapse = "") write.table(Finedm,file = nam_fil_ed,sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE) j <- j + 1 } meds } Check2Match()