##Posted 6/15/2017 options(digits = 11) #Libraries required to run the code library(pryr) library(MASS) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(readr) library(stringr) #Necessary Functions #1#Function for handling the changing of row names and column names chngrownm <- function(mat){ row <- dim(mat)[1] col <- dim(mat)[2] j <- 1 x <- 1 p <- 1 a <- 1 b <- 1 g <- 1 for(j in 1:col){ if("!Sample_source_name_ch1"==mat[1,j]){ colnames(mat)[j] <- "Brain_Region" } else if("!Sample_title" == mat[1,j]){ colnames(mat)[j] <- "Title" } else if("!Sample_geo_accession" == mat[1,j]){ colnames(mat)[j] <- "ID_REF" } else{ if(grepl("Sex|gender|Gender|sex",mat[2,j])==TRUE){ colnames(mat)[j] <- paste0("Sex",x) x = x + 1 } if(grepl("postmorteminterval|PMI|pmi",mat[2,j])==TRUE){ colnames(mat)[j] <- paste0("PMI",p) p = p + 1 } if(grepl("age|Age|AGE",mat[2,j])==TRUE){ colnames(mat)[j] <- paste0("Age",a) a = a + 1 } if(grepl("braak|b&b",mat[2,j])==TRUE){ colnames(mat)[j] <- paste0("Braak",b) b = b + 1 } if(grepl("group|disease|control|AD|normal|diagnosis|Alzheimer|Control|Normal",mat[2,j])==TRUE){ colnames(mat)[j] <- paste0("Group",g) g = g + 1 } } j = j + 1 } mat } #2#Function for reorganizing information within the columns cinfo <- function(mat){ col <- dim(mat)[2] j <-2 for(j in 2:col){ if(grepl("Group",colnames(mat)[j]) == TRUE){ mat[,j] <- gsub(".+:\\s|\\s.+;.+","",mat[,j]) } if(grepl("Age",colnames(mat)[j])==TRUE){ mat[,j] <- gsub("\\D","",mat[,j])%>% as.integer() } if(grepl("Sex",colnames(mat)[j])==TRUE){ mat[,j] <- gsub(".+:\\s","",mat[,j]) } if(grepl("PMI",colnames(mat)[j])==TRUE){ mat[,j] <- gsub("[^0-9\\.]","",mat[,j])%>% as.numeric() } if(grepl("Braak",colnames(mat)[j])==TRUE){ mat[,j]<-gsub(".+:\\s","",mat[,j])%>% as.roman()%>% as.integer() } j=j+1 } mat } #3#Function for labeling the gene IDs without names NAFIXING <- function(GIDNAM){ row <- dim(GIDNAM)[1] i <- 1 for(i in 1:row){ if(grepl("^NA\\s*$",GIDNAM[i,2])==TRUE||is.na(GIDNAM[i,2])==TRUE){ GIDNAM[i,2] <- GIDNAM[i,1] } i <- i + 1 } GIDNAM } #4#Function for changing the gene ID to gene name cgeneID <- function(GeneName,DATA){ nj <- t(GeneName) nq <- t(DATA) colGene <- dim(nj)[2] colDATA <- dim(nq)[2] j <- 1 for(j in 1:colDATA){ #where is that gene id located within the GPL file chngreq <- grep(paste0("^",nq[1,j],"$"),nj[1,]) if(is.na(sum(chngreq))==FALSE){ if(sum(chngreq) > 0){ nq[1,j] <- gsub(paste0("^",nq[1,j],"$"),nj[2,chngreq],nq[1,j]) } } j <- j + 1 } nq } #cgeneID <- function(GeneName,DATA){ # colGene <- dim(GeneName)[2] # j <- 1 # for(j in 1:colGene){ # chngsreq <- grep(paste0("^",GeneName[1,j],"$"),DATA[1,]) # if(is.na(sum(chngsreq))==FALSE){ # if(sum(chngsreq) > 0){ # DATA[1,chngsreq] <- gsub(paste0("^",GeneName[1,j]),GeneName[2,j],DATA[1,chngsreq]) # } # } # #if(sum(chngsreq) > 0){ # ##DATA[1,chngsreq] <- gsub(GeneName[1,j],GeneName[2,j],DATA[1,chngsreq]) # #DATA[1,chngsreq] <- gsub(paste0("^",GeneName[1,j]),GeneName[2,j],DATA[1,chngsreq]) # #} # j = j+1 # } # DATA #} #5#Function for adjusting the gene names gcnames <- function(DiData,usecol=1){ nuruns <- dim(DiData)[2] i = 1 nwnam <- rep("0",length.out=nuruns) for(i in 1:nuruns){ if(length(strsplit(colnames(DiData)[i],"///|//")[[1]]) >= usecol){ nwnam[i]=str_trim(strsplit(colnames(DiData)[i],"///|//")[[1]][usecol]) } else{ nwnam[i]=str_trim(strsplit(colnames(DiData)[i],"///|//")[[1]][1]) } } nwnam } #6# Function for discretizing the data dndat <- function(NDATA){ rownd <- dim(NDATA)[1] colnd <- dim(NDATA)[2] DDATA <- matrix(0,nrow=rownd,ncol=colnd) colnames(DDATA) <- colnames(NDATA) i <- 1 for(i in 1:rownd){ j <- 1 for(j in 1:colnd){ if(is.na(NDATA[i,j])==FALSE){ if(NDATA[i,j] < -1){ DDATA[i,j]=0L } else if(NDATA[i,j] > 1){ DDATA[i,j]=2L } else if(-1 <= NDATA[i,j] && NDATA[i,j] <= 1){ DDATA[i,j]=1L } } else{ DDATA[i,j] = NDATA[i,j] } j = j + 1 } i = i + 1 } DDATA } #The Rest of this code will be used every time you want to change a data set #Getting the series matrix file print("Choose the series matrix file that you want to Analyze") alz <- file.choose() #Getting the GPL file print("Choose the GPL file that correlates with the above series matrix file") genena <- file.choose() #Find out if it is a soft GPL file or not soft <- strsplit(genena,"[\\|/]") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[length(.)] %>% grepl("soft|annot",.) #Working with the wordy part of the document alzword <- alz %>% read_delim(delim ="\t",comment = "!Series",col_names = FALSE)%>% filter(grepl("!Sample",X1))%>% filter(!grepl("!Sample_contact",X1)) ##Changing row names and column names: ALZWORD <- t(alzword) rownames(ALZWORD)=NULL colnames(ALZWORD) <- colnames(ALZWORD,do.NULL=FALSE) ALZWORD <- chngrownm(ALZWORD)[-1,] ALZWORD <- ALZWORD%>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)%>% dplyr::select(-starts_with("col")) ##Reorganizing information within the columns ALZWORDF <- cinfo(ALZWORD) #Working with Actual Data part of file alzdat <- alz %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names=TRUE,comment = "!",skip=1) ALZDAT <- t(alzdat[,-1]) rownames(ALZDAT)=NULL ##Is there a clean version of the GPL file available? gplnum <- strsplit(genena,"[\\|/]") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[length(.)] %>% gsub("\\D","",.) clfileex <- sum(grepl(paste0("Clean_GPL",gplnum),list.files())) if(clfileex >= 1){ #use the clean version geneIDNam <- paste0("Clean_GPL",gplnum,".txt") %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names = c("ID","Symbol"), comment = "!") } else if(clfileex == 0){ ##Lets Create a clean version ##Gene ID to Gene Name if(soft == TRUE){ #Check to see if there is already a file containing information on soft files fileex <- sum(grepl("GPL_ID_LOC.txt",list.files())) if(fileex == 1){ #Check to see if this GPL soft file has been used before IDF <- read_delim("GPL_ID_LOC.txt",delim = "\t",col_names = TRUE) %>% .$GPL_FILE_NUM%>% grepl(gplnum,.) %>% sum() if(IDF == 1){ IDLOCAL <- read_delim("GPL_ID_LOC.txt",delim = "\t",col_names = TRUE) %>% .$GPL_FILE_NUM%>% grep(gplnum,.) idlocgpl <- read_delim("GPL_ID_LOC.txt",delim = "\t",col_names = TRUE) %>% .$LOC_ID %>% .[IDLOCAL] geneIDNam <- genena %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names = TRUE, comment = "!", skip = idlocgpl) %>% dplyr::select(.,ID,grep("Symbol|^ORF\\s*$|^gene_assignment\\s*$|^Gene symbol$",colnames(.))) } else if(IDF == 0){ #No information on this particular GPL file idLOCGPL <- genena %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names = FALSE, comment = "!", n_max = 1000) %>% t(.) %>% grep("^ID\\s*$",.) %>% -1 cbind(as.integer(gplnum),as.integer(idLOCGPL)) %>% cat(file="GPL_ID_LOC.txt",sep = "\t", fill = TRUE, append = TRUE) geneIDNam <- genena %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names = TRUE, comment = "!", skip = idLOCGPL) %>% dplyr::select(.,ID,grep("Symbol|^ORF\\s*$|^gene_assignment\\s*$|^Gene symbol$",colnames(.))) } } else if(fileex == 0){ #We must create a file that we can access for later use idLOCGPL <- genena %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names = FALSE, comment = "!", n_max = 1000) %>% t(.) %>% grep("^ID\\s*$",.) %>% -1 Firstval <- cbind(as.integer(gplnum),as.integer(idLOCGPL)) colnames(Firstval) <- c("GPL_FILE_NUM","LOC_ID") write.table(Firstval,file = "GPL_ID_LOC.txt", sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) geneIDNam <- genena %>% read_delim(delim="\t",col_names = TRUE, comment = "!", skip = idLOCGPL) %>% dplyr::select(.,ID,grep("Symbol|^ORF\\s*$|^gene_assignment\\s*$|^Gene symbol$",colnames(.))) } } else if(soft == FALSE){ geneIDNam <- genena %>% read_delim(delim="\t",comment = "#")%>% dplyr::select(.,ID,grep("Symbol|^ORF\\s*$|^gene_assignment\\s*$|^Gene symbol$",colnames(.))) } ##Labeling the gene IDs without names geneIDNam <- NAFIXING(geneIDNam) ##remove the whitespace geneIDNam <- t(rbind(str_trim(t(geneIDNam)[1,]),str_trim(t(geneIDNam)[2,]))) ##Here is the clean version write.table(geneIDNam,file = paste0("Clean_GPL",gplnum,".txt"),sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) } ##Changing the gene ID to gene name ALZDAT1 <- cgeneID(geneIDNam,alzdat) colnames(ALZDAT) = ALZDAT1[1,] ##Adjusting the column names aka the gene names colnames(ALZDAT) <- gcnames(ALZDAT) #Full RAW Data Fullalzdwr <- ALZDAT %>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% cbind(ALZWORDF,.) #Raw file is output nfnaex <- strsplit(alz,"[\\]") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[length(.)] %>% gsub("\\D","",.) %>% c("GSE",.,"aftexcel.txt") %>% paste(collapse = "") write.table(t(Fullalzdwr), file = nfnaex, sep = "\t") #Now for the discretization part ##get the wordy part again rawword <- t(ALZWORDF) ##where is ID_REF located hereim <- grep("ID_REF",rownames(rawword)) ##Subject Names GSM... subjnam <- rawword[hereim,] ##Getting the names for the rows namedarows <- rownames(rawword)[-hereim] %>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) RAWWORD <- rawword[-hereim,] %>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% bind_cols(namedarows,.) z <- 1 naroww <- as.data.frame(rep(0,dim(RAWWORD)[1]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) for(z in 1:dim(RAWWORD)[1]){ if(sum(is.na(RAWWORD[z,])) > 0){ naroww[z,1] <- as.integer(sum(is.na(RAWWORD[z,]))) } if(length(grep("NA",RAWWORD[z,])) > 0){ naroww[z,1] <- as.integer(length(grep("NA",RAWWORD[z,]))) + naroww[z,1] } z <- z + 1 } colnames(naroww) <- "ROW_NAs" RAWWORD <- bind_cols(RAWWORD,naroww) roALZna <- t(ALZDAT) %>% rownames(.) %>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(roALZna) <- "ID_REF" RAWDAT <- t(ALZDAT) %>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(RAWDAT) <- NULL rownames(RAWDAT) <- NULL RAWDAT2 <- RAWDAT %>% cbind(roALZna,.) %>% dplyr::arrange(.,ID_REF) ##Editing the file for R processing RAWDATID <- RAWDAT2[,1] %>% as.matrix(.) RAWDATNUM <- RAWDAT2[,-1] %>% mapply(.,FUN = as.numeric) %>% t(.) ##Consolidating genes with the same name ###create empty matrix of size equal to tabRDATID tabRDATID <- table(RAWDATID) NuRDATN <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(RAWDATNUM)[1], ncol = length(tabRDATID)) j <- 1 for(j in 1:length(tabRDATID)){ ##Putting the ones without duplicates in their new homes if(tabRDATID[j] == 1){ NuRDATN[,j] <- RAWDATNUM[,which(RAWDATID==rownames(tabRDATID)[j])] } else if(tabRDATID[j] > 1){ ##Averaging duplicates and putting them in their new homes NuRDATN[,j] <- rowMeans(RAWDATNUM[,which(RAWDATID==rownames(tabRDATID)[j])],na.rm = TRUE) } j <- j + 1 } ##Scaling the Data scrawdat <- NuRDATN%>% scale() attr(scrawdat,"scaled:center") <- NULL attr(scrawdat,"scaled:scale") <- NULL colnames(scrawdat) <- rownames(tabRDATID) ##Discretized the Data dialzdat <- scrawdat %>% dndat(.) %>% t()%>% as.data.frame(.,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(dialzdat) <- rownames(RAWDATNUM) ##setting "ID_REF" as a new variable geneNAM <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(rownames(dialzdat),ncol=1),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(geneNAM) <- "ID_REF" rownames(dialzdat) <- NULL dialzdat <-bind_cols(geneNAM,dialzdat) ##NAs in a column x <- 2 nacol <- as.data.frame(t(rep(0,dim(dialzdat)[2])),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) nacol[1,1] = "COL_NAs" for(x in 2:dim(dialzdat)[2]){ nacol[1,x] <- as.integer(sum(is.na(dialzdat[,x]))) x <- x + 1 } colnames(nacol) <- colnames(dialzdat) dialzdat<-bind_rows(dialzdat,nacol) ##NAs in a row y <- 1 narowd <- as.data.frame(rep(0,dim(dialzdat)[1]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) for(y in 1:dim(dialzdat)[1]){ narowd[y,1] <- as.integer(sum(is.na(dialzdat[y,]))) y <- y + 1 } colnames(narowd) <- "ROW_NAs" dialzdat <- bind_cols(dialzdat,narowd) colnames(dialzdat)[2:(dim(dialzdat)[2]-1)] <- subjnam colnames(RAWWORD) <- colnames(dialzdat) ##converting to character so that the clinical can be brought together with discrete data k <- 2 for(k in 2:dim(dialzdat)[2]-1){ dialzdat[,k] <- as.character(dialzdat[,k]) k <- k + 1 } #The End the full data Dscrtalzdw <- bind_rows(RAWWORD,dialzdat) #Produces Discrete file nfnaex2 <- strsplit(alz,"[\\|/]") %>% .[[1]] %>% .[length(.)] %>% gsub("\\D","",.) %>% c("GSE",.,"dscrt.txt") %>% paste(collapse = "") write.table(Dscrtalzdw, file = nfnaex2, sep = "\t",col.names = TRUE,row.names = FALSE)