#source("/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D50C9v/RCode/CombineOrders.R") getRelation = function(st = "[6][8][5][7|6:8:5][1|7][3|7:1][4|1][2|4][0|2]"){ re = c() temstr = substr(st, 2, nchar(st)-1) stlist = strsplit(chartr(old = "][", new = "##", temstr), "##") for(i in 1:length(stlist[[1]])){ temc = chartr(old = "|", new = "g", stlist[[1]][i]) if (grepl("g", temc)){ temc2 = strsplit(temc, "g") X = temc2[[1]][1] TY = strsplit(temc2[[1]][2], ":") for(j in 1:length(TY[[1]])){ Y = TY[[1]][j] cc= paste(Y,"->", X, sep = "") re = append(re, cc) } } } return(re) } creatDataframe = function(v = c("0", "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"), r = 246){ cn = c() co= combn(v,2) for(i in 1:ncol(co)){ X = co[1,i] Y = co[2,i] c1 = paste(X, "->", Y, sep = "") cn = append(cn,c1) c2 = paste(Y, "->", X, sep = "") cn = append(cn,c2) c3 = paste(X, " NA ", Y, sep = "") cn = append(cn,c3) } b= ncol(co) re = data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=r, ncol=b*3)) colnames(re) = cn return(re) } sumTable = function (pathname = "/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D1KC9v/D1KC9v BestOrders/Strus_D1KC9v.txt", v = c("0", "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"), exfilename = "/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D1KC9v/D1KC9v BestOrders/Strus_D1KC9v.xlsx", xlsxfile = "/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D50S9v2/D50S9vRS.xlsx"){ library(bnlearn) library(xlsx) library(dplyr) suminput = read.table(pathname, header = FALSE) sumResu = data.frame() sumAnce = data.frame() suminput$ord = paste(suminput$V1,suminput$V2,suminput$V3,suminput$V4,suminput$V5,suminput$V6,suminput$V7,suminput$V8,suminput$V9, sep = " ") suminput = suminput[-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13)] colnames(suminput)[1] <- "OrderScores" colnames(suminput)[2] <- "Structures" colnames(suminput)[3] <- "StructScores" orders= aggregate( OrderScores ~ord, data=suminput, FUN = mean) orders = orders[order(-orders[,2]), ] for(i in 1:nrow(orders)){ orders$Opercentage[i] = exp(-log(sum(exp(orders$OrderScores-orders$OrderScores[i])))) } orders$Ocumper = cumsum(orders$Opercentage) for(i in 1:nrow(orders)){ tem = suminput[which(suminput$ord== orders[i,1]), ] tem$Opercentage = orders[i,3] tem$Ocumper = orders[i,4] for(j in 1:nrow(tem)){ tem$Spercentage[j] = exp(-log(sum(exp(tem$StructScores-tem$StructScores[j])))) } tem$Scumper = cumsum(tem$Spercentage) tem = tem[c("ord", "OrderScores", "Opercentage","Ocumper", "Structures", "StructScores","Spercentage","Scumper")] sumResu = rbind(sumResu, tem) } rs = nrow(sumResu) rl = creatDataframe(v,rs) sumResu= cbind(sumResu, rl) sumAnce = sumResu co= combn(v,2) for(i in 1:nrow(sumResu)){ s = as.character(sumResu [i,5]) rel = getRelation(st = s) for(j in 1:ncol(co)){ X = co[1,j] Y = co[2,j] c1 = paste(X, "->", Y, sep = "") c2 = paste(Y, "->", X, sep = "") c3 = paste(X, " NA ", Y, sep = "") if (c1 %in% rel){ sumResu[i,c1] = sumResu$Opercentage[i]*sumResu$Spercentage[i] } else if(c2 %in% rel){ sumResu[i,c2] = sumResu$Opercentage[i]*sumResu$Spercentage[i] } else{ sumResu[i,c3] = sumResu$Opercentage[i]*sumResu$Spercentage[i] } } } for(i in 1:nrow(sumAnce)){ s = as.character(sumAnce [i,5]) dags = model2network(s) for(j in 1:ncol(co)){ X = co[1,j] Y = co[2,j] c1 = paste(X, "->", Y, sep = "") c2 = paste(Y, "->", X, sep = "") c3 = paste(X, " NA ", Y, sep = "") pXY = path(dags, from = X, to = Y) pYX = path(dags, from = Y, to = X) if (pXY){ sumAnce[i,c1] = sumAnce$Opercentage[i]*sumAnce$Spercentage[i] } else if(pYX){ sumAnce[i,c2] = sumAnce$Opercentage[i]*sumAnce$Spercentage[i] } else{ sumAnce[i,c3] = sumAnce$Opercentage[i]*sumAnce$Spercentage[i] } } } sumP = colSums(sumResu[, -c(1:8)]) sumA = colSums(sumAnce[, -c(1:8)]) reP = read.xlsx(xlsxfile, sheetName = "Sheet1", colIndex = 1:3) reA = read.xlsx(xlsxfile, sheetName = "Sheet2", colIndex = 1:3) sP = cbind(reP, sumP, diffT = abs(sumP-reP[,2]), diffB = abs(sumP-reP[,3])) sA = cbind(reA, sumA, diffT = abs(sumA-reA[,2]), diffB = abs(sumA-reA[,3])) distanceP = colSums(sP[,c(5,6)]) distanceA = colSums(sA[,c(5,6)]) write.xlsx(sumResu, exfilename, sheetName = "Parents Detail", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, append = FALSE) write.xlsx(sP, exfilename, sheetName = "Parents Summary", col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, append = TRUE) write.xlsx(distanceP, exfilename, sheetName = "Parents Distance", col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, append = TRUE) write.xlsx(sumAnce, exfilename, sheetName = "Ancestor Detail", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE) write.xlsx(sA, exfilename, sheetName = "Ancestor Summary", col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, append = TRUE) write.xlsx(distanceA, exfilename, sheetName = "Ancestor Distance", col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, append = TRUE) # return(sP) } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sortStru = function(st = "[5][6][8][7|5:8][1|5:7][3|7:8][2|6:1][4|1][0|2]"){ library(dplyr) re = "" temstr = substr(st, 2, nchar(st)-1) stlist = strsplit(chartr(old = "][", new = "##", temstr), "##") stlist = sort(stlist[[1]]) for(i in 1:length(stlist)){ if(nchar(stlist[i])>3){ temc = chartr(old = "|", new = "g", stlist[i]) temc2 = strsplit(temc, "g") X = temc2[[1]][1] TY = strsplit(temc2[[1]][2], ":") TY = sort(TY[[1]]) TY2 = paste(TY, collapse = ":") stlist[i] = paste(X,"|", TY2, sep = "") stlist[i] <- TY %>% paste(., collapse=":") %>% paste(X, "|", ., sep = "") } } re <- stlist %>% paste(., collapse="][") %>% paste("[", ., "]", sep = "") return(re) } MB = function (struc ="[6][8][5][7|6:8:5][3|7][1|7:3][4|1][2|4][0|2]", v ="1"){ library(xlsx) library(bnlearn) library(dplyr) mbs = "" strutem <- struc %>% as.character(.) %>% substr(., 2, nchar(.)-1) stru = strsplit(chartr(old = "][", new = "##", strutem), "##") for(j in 1:length(stru[[1]])){ if(grepl(v,stru[[1]][j])){ mbs = paste(mbs, "[", stru[[1]][j], "]", sep = "") } } return(mbs) } sumBlanket2 = function (xlsxfile = "/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D50S9v2/D50S9v2-newswap-0.5NONE-2-1h/Strus_D50S9v2_E30r3_o.xlsx", xlsxfile2 = "/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D50S9v2/D50S9vRS.xlsx"){ library(xlsx) library(bnlearn) library(dplyr) re = read.xlsx(xlsxfile, sheetName = "Parents Detail", colIndex = 1:8) re = na.omit(re) colnames(re) = c("Order", "OrderScore", "OP", "OPC", "Structures", "StructureScore", "SP", "SPC") truDis = vector() besDis = vector() for(l in 1:9){ a = l*4-3 b = l*4-1 n = as.character(l-1) rebm = read.xlsx(xlsxfile2, sheetName = "Sheet3", colIndex = a:b) rebm = na.omit(rebm) colnames(rebm) = c("LableM", "TrueB", "BestB") MBS = vector(mode="character", length=0) for(i in 1:nrow(re)){ mbt = MB(struc = re[i,5], v = n) st = sortStru(as.character(mbt)) MBS = append(MBS,st) } blankScore = re$OP*re$SP REE = cbind(re, MBS, blankScore) ag = aggregate(blankScore ~ MBS, data = REE, sum ) truedist = 0 if(rebm[1,1] %in% ag[,1]){ tem = ag tem[which(tem$MBS == as.character(rebm[1,1])),2] = abs(1-tem[which(tem$MBS == as.character(rebm[1,1])),2]) truedist = sum(tem[,2]) } else{ truedist = 2 } truDis = append(truDis, truedist) bestdist = 0 tem2 = rebm[-1,1] tem3 = ag[,1] tt = vector() di1 = setdiff(tem2, tem3) di2 = setdiff(tem3, tem2) if(length(di1) == 0 & length(di2) == 0){ temm = ag[order(ag[,1]),] temm1 =rebm[-1,c(1,3)] temmm11= temm1[order(temm1[,1]),] temm[,2] = abs(temmm11[,2] - temm[,2]) bestdist = sum(temm[,2]) } else if(length(di1) == 0){ temm = ag[which(ag[,1] %in% di2),] temm2 =rebm[-1,c(1,3)] temm1 = ag[which(! ag[,1] %in% di2),] temmm21= temm1[order(temm1[,1]),] temmm22= temm2[order(temm2[,1]),] temmm21[,2] = abs(temmm21[,2] - temmm22[,2]) temm=rbind(temm,temmm21) bestdist = sum(temm[,2]) }else if(length(di2) == 0){ temm2 =rebm[-1,c(1,3)] temm = temm2[which(temm2[,1] %in% di1),] temm1 = temm2[which(! temm2[,1] %in% di1),] temmm21= temm1[order(temm1[,1]),] temmm22= ag[order(ag[,1]),] temmm21[,2] = abs(temmm21[,2] - temmm22[,2]) temm=rbind(temm,temmm21) bestdist = sum(temm[,2]) }else{ comm = intersect(tem2, tem3) temmm1 = rebm[which(rebm$LableM %in% comm),c(1,3)] temmm12= temmm1[order(temmm1[,1]),] temmm2 = ag[which(ag[,1] %in% comm),] temmm22= temmm2[order(temmm2[,1]),] temmm12[,2] = abs(temmm12[,2] - temmm22[,2]) temt = rbind(temmm12, rebm[which(rebm$LableM %in% di1),c(1,3)]) temt = rbind(data.frame(MBS = temt[,1], blankScore =temt[,2] ), ag[which(ag[,1] %in% di2),]) bestdist = sum(temt[,2]) } besDis = append(besDis, bestdist) } td = sum(truDis) bd = sum(besDis) write.xlsx(data.frame("True dis"= td, "Best dis" = bd), xlsxfile, sheetName = "Blanket Distance", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE) return(re) } processFile = function(filepath = "/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D50S9v2/D50S9v2-newswap-0.5NONE-1h/D50S9v2-E15-1hr1.txt") { re = data.frame() li = vector() con = file(filepath, "r") while ( TRUE ) { line = readLines(con, n = 1) if ( length(line) == 0 ) { break } li = append(li, line) } close(con) for(i in 1:length(li)){ s = strsplit(li[i], " ") b = strsplit(s[[1]][2], " ") l = data.frame(st=s[[1]][1], sc= as.numeric(as.character(b[[1]][1]))) re = rbind(re, l) } re = na.omit(re) re = unique(re) re = re[order(-re[,2]), ] m = re[1,2] n=0 for(j in 2:nrow(re) ){ s0 = re[j,2] te = -log(exp(s0-m)+1) m = m - te; if(exp(te) >= 0.99){ break } n = j } ree = re[1:n,] # sink("/home/zgong001/Documents/Alarm/D50S9v2/D50S9v2-newswap-0.5NONE-1h/myfile.txt", append=TRUE, split=TRUE) write.table("------", filepath, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=F, append=TRUE) write.table(ree, filepath, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=F,append=TRUE) return(ree) }