Autism Spectrum Disorders Dataset

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Autism Spectrum Disorders Dataset

Postby meninonas » Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:04 am


I tried opening the dataset files in SPSS, SAS, and Excel here at the Green Library; nevertheless, for different reasons, none of the files decided to open or work. Because of the challenge of not having SPSS or SAS in AHC5 and not having access to OE111, I could work on the datasets.

From what I read, nevertheless, I have come to the following conclusions.

1. The variables seem to come uncoded. The reason I say this is because the PDF file that comes attached to the zip file has all of the coding, variable meaning, and the questions. From previous experience, this means that the data comes uncoded.
2. There are over 660 variables in the dataset.
3. Lastly, I still need to check but the 2009-2010 file but it didn't come with a code book; hence, I'll assume all of the variables remained the same in both files.

It seems that this file is going to take more time than expected because of the coding and the number of variables; nevertheless, I'll make sure that once I come back from the lunch, I'll dedicate my entire afternoon to the dataset. I'll make sure to ask Stephanie Garcia to open OE111 for me.

PS. I have attached Dr. Lobar's journal article down below.
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