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Install BiDAG package

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:41 pm
by zgong001
1. Firstly, you need install R and RStudio. (If you already have it, you could ignore this step.)

2. Install package "BiDAG": execute " install.packages("BiDAG") " in the Console of your R or Rstudio.

In the process of installation of "BiDAG", you may find you missed some package and you need install these dependent packages for ubuntu and R.

To install ubuntu dependent package: such as libcurl4-openssl-dev, libgmp3-dev, libv8-3.14-dev, and so on, you need execute the following in the terminal:

    apt-get update (This is to get the updated version of the packages.)
    sudo apt-get install XXXX. (XXXX means the dependent package)

To install R dependent package, execute the following in R:
    biocLite("XXXX") (XXXX means the dependent package)

3. Use package "BiDAG": library(BiDAG)

Refernce paper

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:13 pm
by cwyoo
Please see

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