Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Currently undergoing other projects. Once there is significant traction, we will create new forums for those analyses and results.

Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:31 am

Dr Yoo,
I ran banjo at multiple time points (1, 3, and 6 hour) successfully but when I tried to direct banjo to produce the .dot image it kept on giving me a response "segmentation fault (core dumped)". Will continue to figure out how to fix this problem but listed below are the network scores from each run. Thanks.

1 hour:
Network score: -1139509.3927, first found at iteration 80977
3665 (at 20 mins)
Network score: -1079957.5136, first found at iteration 116993
3665 (at 40 mins)
Network score: -1053337.8670, first found at iteration 150985
3665 (at 1 hour)
Network score: -1053337.8670, first found at iteration 150985
3665 (Best Network Overall)

3 hour:
Network score: -1145208.4305, first found at iteration 79968
3665 (at 20 mins)
Network score: -1082527.6755, first found at iteration 115987
3665 (at 40 mins)
Network score: -1052393.3835, first found at iteration 150952
3665 (at 1 hr)
Network score: -1037215.8297, first found at iteration 181990
3665 (at 1.34 hr)
Network score: -1037215.8297, first found at iteration 181990
3665 (at 1.67 hr)
Network score: -1037215.8297, first found at iteration 181990
3665 (at 2 hr)
Network score: -1037215.8297, first found at iteration 181990
3665 (at 2.34 hr)
Network score: -1029636.5662, first found at iteration 336983
3665 ( at 2.67 h)
Network score: -1029636.5662, first found at iteration 336983
3665 (at 3 hr)
Network score: -1029636.5662, first found at iteration 336983
3665 (Best network overall)

6 hour:
Network score: -1147504.9399, first found at iteration 80000
3665 (at 20 mins)
Network score: -1081219.1039, first found at iteration 115940
3665 (at 40.32 mins)
Network score: -1049428.1221, first found at iteration 151994
3665 (at 1.01 hr)
Network score: -1034951.2184, first found at iteration 182996
3665 (at 1.33 hr)
Network score: -1034951.2184, first found at iteration 182996
3665 (at 1.67 hr)
Network score: -1034951.2184, first found at iteration 182996
3665 (at 2 hr)
Network score: -1034951.2184, first found at iteration 182996
3665 (at 2.33 hr)
Network score: -1028914.5366, first found at iteration 337982
3665 (at 2.67 hr)
Network score: -1028914.5366, first found at iteration 337982
3665 (at 3 hr)
Network score: -1028914.5366, first found at iteration 337982
3665 (3.33 hr)
Network score: -1028914.5366, first found at iteration 337982
3665 (3.67 hr)
Network score: -1027005.9166, first found at iteration 490970
3665 (at 4.01 hr)
Network score: -1027005.9166, first found at iteration 490970
3665 (at 4.34 hr)
Network score: -1027005.9166, first found at iteration 490970
3665 (at 4.68 hr)
Network score: -1026556.6477, first found at iteration 644963
3665 (at 5.01 hr)
Network score: -1026257.8594, first found at iteration 645973
3665 (at 5.34 hr)
Network score: -1026257.8594, first found at iteration 645973
3665 (at 5.67 hr)
Network score: -1026257.8594, first found at iteration 645973
3665 (at 6 hr)
Network score: -1026257.8594, first found at iteration 645973
3665 (Best Network Overall)
Posts: 34
Joined: Thu May 28, 2015 12:49 pm

Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:46 pm

1) Worked at path 4 to try and solve the graph (.dot) problem. Ran 3665 variables - 681 samples for 5 mins to test the new setting file and it ran successfully & produced a graph in an (.svg) format which can be opened through the internet and a (.png) format. Ran banjo for 1 hour and it ran successfully but was not able to produce a graph (.dot). Attached is the network in a (.png) format that was ran for 5 mins.
graph.dot.png (1.45 MiB) Viewed 6276 times

2) Have been trying to use Jigan's code in R but unsuccessful thus far. Will need to further work on it and will post datasets once more progression has been made.
Last edited by vavec001 on Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Thu May 28, 2015 12:49 pm

Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:47 pm

1) From our commonly expressed 3665 gene dataset I identified 500 up-regulated and 500 down-regulated genes using a fold change and ran banjo for 1 hour. Network Image generated is attached.
500 Up- & 500 -down
1000updownvaso.png (35.63 MiB) Viewed 6277 times

2) Also identified from our 3665 gene dataset 250 up-regulated and 250 down-regulated genes using a fold change and ran banjo for 1 hour. Network image generated is attached.
250 -Up & 250 -down
top.graph.2017. (5.54 MiB) Viewed 6277 times

3) Generated a ID3 model using banjo with up- and -down regulated genes that were either expressed in RNA-sequenced data of cells over-expressing ID3 versus vector alone or ID3 over-expressing cells treated with PCB153 24hr vs control from lab. Identified what genes were commonly expressed from the list of RNA-sequenced data across all datasets and ran banjo to see what gene-gene interactions exist in vascular diseases. Network Image generated is attached.
ID3rna.dot.jpeg (38.21 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

4) McNamara et al (2010) identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the ID3 gene that is associated with carotid intima-media thickness; a surrogate marker of atherosclerotic plaque burden and clinical cardiovascular disease events in humans. Loss of ID3 resulted in modulation of many genes in pathways in atherogenesis. Genes that were up- and -down regulated in ID3-/- smooth muscle cells were identified based on (>4-fold) change. Identified the same up- and -down regulated genes from the ID3 -/- model in the study that were also expressed in our vascular disease dataset and ran banjo.
top.graph.2017. (100.97 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

5) In the midst of running the same model from 3 and 4 in Bene. Will post results once they are available.
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:01 am

We identified the expression levels of ID genes (ID1, ID3, & ID4) that were expressed across all GEO data sets alongside commonly expressed genes from RNA-sequence data of cells over-expressing ID3 versus vector alone & RNA-sequence data of ID3 over-expressing cells treated with PCB153 24h versus control. 13 genes were identified (ECM2, EGR1, CD4, GPX2, COL3A1, COL1A2, COL4A3, BGN, GRIN2D, HES1, ESRRG, KCNJ2, IGFBP5). Furthermore looked at ID3 regulated inflammatory factors expressed in the data and we identified 3 genes thus far (IL5, IL6, & IL10). Data is divided into tissue samples versus blood samples.
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:49 pm

This week's update:
1)ID3 correlation tests with common gene dataset (divided into blood & tissue samples)
(213.5 MiB) Downloaded 262 times

2) ID3 correlation tests with common genes within each vascular disease (tissue samples: LAM: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, PDR: proliferative diabetic retinopathy, AVM: arteriovenous malformation, IH: Infantile Hemangioma, IPAH: Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension)
(327.78 KiB) Downloaded 257 times

3)ID3 correlation with expressed ID family partners (ID1,ID4). Divided by all blood and tissue samples & for each vascular disease (blood and tissue samples).
ID protein correlation tables_3-3-17.docx
(96.99 KiB) Downloaded 277 times

Still need to complete:
1) ID3 correlation tests with common genes within each vascular disease (blood samples)
2) Need to compare gene lists from Dr. Felty and from literature review to see which are common
3) Start to generate and complete heat-map and look over and complete demographic tables
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:54 am

1) Table of GEO datasets included
2) 3665 common genes identified across all datasets
3) a. Did a ID3 correlation of all common genes in blood samples and calculated the Quartiles (Used quartiles 3 & 4)
b. Did a ID3 correlation of all common genes in tissue samples and calculated the Quartiles (Used quartiles 3 & 4)
c. Did a ID3 correlation of all common genes in specific vascular diseases (1. PAD -peripheral arterial disease, 2. LAM - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, 3. IH - Infantile Hemangioma, 4. ATHER- atherosclerosis, 5. IPAH - idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, 6. AVM - Arteriovenous Malformation, 7. PDR - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy)
4) Performed an independent t-test (Gene expression in blood samples, tissue samples, specific vascular diseases) and calculated the Quartiles (Used Q1)
5) Genes that fell in the ID3 correlation of Quartile 3 & 4 and Quartile 1 of the independent t-test were matched. Results attached with correlation and p-value
(157.85 KiB) Downloaded 255 times
(10.83 KiB) Downloaded 286 times
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:50 pm

Bene Structure created with common ID3-correlated blood & tissue genes with a location variable and vascular variable
iris.png (441.63 KiB) Viewed 6277 times
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:47 am

Model of best fit with ID3-common genes in blood & tissue in Genie
Untitled.png (40.88 KiB) Viewed 6277 times
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Mon May 01, 2017 10:13 am

ID3-common genes in blood & tissue in various states
1) blood
Blood.PNG (32.55 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

2) tissue
tissue.PNG (33.31 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

3) disease
disease.PNG (32.87 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

4) control
control.PNG (33.21 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

5) ID3 normal expression
ID3_normal.PNG (33.21 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

6) ID3 high expression
ID3_high.PNG (33.31 KiB) Viewed 6277 times

7) ID3 low expression
ID3_low.PNG (33.85 KiB) Viewed 6277 times
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Re: Tumor-Like Proliferative Vascular Disease Dataset

Postby vavec001 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:35 am

Using Efrain's code "RAutoCIDs.R" I was able to clean 17 of my 20 vascular disease datasets. After meeting & speaking with Efrain last week about the problems I ran into running the code on the remainder of my datasets, I will finish up the rest of the datasets and then use the R code "RMatchGenes.R" to find the common genes. Thank you.
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