CHIP-seq analysis with Galaxy server

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CHIP-seq analysis with Galaxy server

Postby mayurdoke » Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:25 am

Hello All,

Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.The main Galaxy site at is an installation of the Galaxy software combined with many common tools and data; this site has been available since 2007 for anyone to analyze their data free of charge. The site provides substantial CPU and disk space, making it possible to analyze large datasets. The site supports thousands of users and hundreds of thousands of jobs per month (see Project Statistics). It is sustained by TACC hardware using allocation generously provided by the CyVerse project.

Anyone can use the public servers, with or without an account, but Galaxy user accounts are simple to create (email, password, username and go!). With an account, data quotas are increased and full functionality across sessions opens up, such as naming, saving, sharing, and publishing Galaxy objects (Histories, Workflows, Datasets, Pages).
Status of the public site

The status page with the current state of the Main Server, Test Server, and ToolShed is available at
User data and job quotas

Jobs that have low memory and CPU requirements are subject to the following limits:

Maximum total accounts per user 1 registered/unregistered
Maximum total user data on server 250GB for registered users, 5GB for unregistered users
Maximum concurrent jobs 6 for registered users, 1 for unregistered users

Get Galaxy
Here you will find information on obtaining and setting up a Galaxy instance with default configuration.


UNIX/Linux or Mac OSX
Python 2.7

To downloads tools from the repository, you can download the tools from toolshed.

Please find the attached step by step procedure to analyze the CHIP- Seq data
CHIP data analysis.pptx
CHIP data analysis.
(6.17 MiB) Downloaded 239 times
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 3:18 pm

Re: CHIP-seq analysis with Galaxy server

Postby mayurdoke » Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:30 am

In addition to the CHIP-seq analysis, We can also analyze the RNA seq data in Galaxy server. htseq-count tool is already available in Galaxy server.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 3:18 pm

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